Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

My First Death Metal Design

This artwork is actually my old artwork, but recently I had uploaded now. Artwork sold it difficult initially, eventually sold to one of the technical death metal band local Balinese, with a package design typography logo. This is the first time I make typography with Death Metal style. Honestly initially a little hesitant as well to demand that the roots must satisfy each side of the font. During this style typography I've ever made, at best, leading to a style of post hardcore or thrash metal (because I do not like to play detail. Hehehhehehehe). But thankfully, the end result of my work, liked by clients. check this out

This is my illustration pack for a deathmetal band

My First Creation on Death Metal Font
Metal, Hardcore, Technical Death Metal, Death Metal Font

This Is A mock up for the T-shirt.
Metal, Hardcore, Death Metal, Slamming

14 komentar:

  1. wooww.. keren abizz brother , semoga bandnya tambah sukse!
    tapi kalo bleh tau kaya gimana sih cara buat fontya?

  2. woy
    bisa bikinin gua desain death metal bisa
    namanya TERANCAM MATI

  3. baguuuuzzzz,,,kerenn juga,,

  4. ternyata inindesigner fontnya kaligula :) top mas bro :)

  5. Ternyata ini designer fontnya, mantap bro :)

  6. buatin napa bang yg kayak gini
    bwt band gw unafraid

  7. buati kyk gtu namanya unafraid

  8. @All: Terimakasih suportnya, kalo ada yang minat pesen desain, jangan ragu2 untuk kontak saya ya.

  9. Lur bikinin gue fto desain death metal, namanya MENYAN

  10. @Kakang Prabu: Boleh Lur, kasi aja gue detail brief nya. Dan budget nya Lur. heheheh.

  11. lur gue minta buatin logo band gue nama nya PURITY..
    Bantuin ya lur..

  12. @Yusuf: Boleh2 aja Lur, silahkan COntact saya

  13. minta link font nya bang
